❤ Sweety Land ❤
Saturday, October 29, 2011 • 7:53 AM • 0 comments
Assalamualaikum blogger pa kabar???sihat kah??bru jak blik dari bndar penat yahhh abizz cri brg2 hummm ok stop....

ok ari 2 da cik lala tag utk aq...tpi sebelum 2 sory 2 cik amoy n sii eve :)

nie peraturannya...

1.You must post these rules.
2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
6.No tag back!
7.No stuff in the tagging section about " YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY 
(a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.    

11 things about myself

sitti rukamana sari binti bacho
19 tahun/9.5.92
anak ke 2....semua prempuan hehe
tnggal di kunak
suka ktawa 
syg sngat dgn family n friends
mudah jatuh cinta
suka tgk lelaki mata sepet
suka on9.update blog,tgk tv
suka makan N tgk katun hehehe

11 Questions FROM My Tagged Buddy

how's life?
gembira walaupun kdang bny masalah...

sekarang umur berapa?
19 tahun

dulu mau jdi polis tpi sdh pendek ndak jadi soo skrg minat dgn hotel management

pernah tengak pelangi kembar?
x pelangi biasa pena lah hehehe

minat novel?kenapa?
ermm ikut mood kdang2 t'mimpi pun da jg hehehe

suka berangan?
rutin harian ku lak 2 hehehe 

ada anda minat orang secara senyap2?kenapa minat die?
ada .... bab muka die babyface hehe...

secara officalnya anda pakai tudung?bila start?
erm klau keluar kaki lima x....form 4

suka berfesyen?
sangat sukaaaaaaaaaaaaa

on9,calling2,texting.tgk tv,n updaye blogger

anda malas ke sekola macam saya?
kadang2....time2 hujan lgi hehehe

11 Question for my Tagged Buddy 

suka makan apa?
siapa bf/gf korang?
suka tgk tv?
korang suka fesyen mcm mna??
hajat yg belum t'capai?
hadiah yg korang blum dpt dri bf/gf korang?
minat dgn korea band?
ciri2 lelaki/prempuan idaman?
pena t'mimpi jumpa artis?
coklat@mee goreng..?


Asssalamualaikum and hye visitor...Want to know about me just click button follow gumaho :

  • aq sunyi + rindu :(
  • lega
  • sedih
  • perangai couple skrg
  • kami
  • dia slalu wat aq gumbira
  • kenapa jg?????
  • x mau i2
  • my new style :)
  • rindu dgn bdak 5A (MPV N TANAMAN MAKANAN)

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